Color Parrot

The Color Companion

@color_parrot is a Twitter bot capable of naming and identify colors in images. Every several hours, it tweets a random color.

Bot Usage

Reply or quote a tweet containing an image and mention @color_parrot. Write @color_parrot what is this color? to get a response containing your unique palette.

About color parrot


I am maintaining an open-source list of names that is used by many other apps and websites.

To be able to measure what names are better than others, or that are just plain bad I collect the likes and the reactions to each color. So by using the bot you are actively contributing to an open-source project.

Who pays for all that?

I am so glad you asked. Hopefully you!

Costs of running the bot (in USD)
Items Expenditure
Logo by Metafizzy 800
External Developers 3,620.60
Color Name API Server 264.60/year domain name 36.16/year
Cloudflare PRO Plan 240/year

This is not accounting for my own work: Over the past 4 years, I have added an average of 20 color names per day. I have spent countless days/weeks/months building color tools: FarbVelo, cga, And many more...

Donations & Sponsoring

You can contact me if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. You will get a special spot on this website and on the github-project page.

A one-time donation also helps a lot. You will be listed on this webpage under a section called "Patrons". The list will be sorted by the amount donated. You can include a link of your choosing.

  • Paypal
  • Ko-Fi
  • ETH Address 0xA16448c4caE9b95A3783EC29a56AB36D11660061
  • Bitcoin Address 383gmyiQruH5z2JnbsukhSMDDmVJ3Bxogr